Friday, 8 June 2012

Top 10 Things I Miss about Canada

I've been in India for just over 40 days and it's great.  But, I have to admit there are some things about home that I'm missing and am definitely looking forward to when I get home.   Just for fun I thought I'd make a list.  So here it is: "Top 10 Things I miss about Canada" (Not including family and friends, that's a given:)

10.  Reliable services (ie. Police, Postal Service etc)
9. Not being regularly stared at
8. Salad
7. Other types of cuisine (esp. Japanese and Thai)
6. Riding my bike
5. Sailing
4. Traffic Rules
3. Potable Tap Water
2. Clean bathrooms with toilet paper
1. Food safety standards

There you have it, being in a foreign country really makes you appreciate the little things and I'm realizing more and more what a great country I live in.

xo Ruby


  1. Roby - GREAT post. I've travelled across Peru and I can list almost the same 10 things, especially SALAD, clean bathrooms and clean WATER. Glad to hear that you are enjoying your trip!

  2. True dat. I agree. I take it you've have some unfortunate gastrointestinal experiences in India?
